In Bioeconomy Campus you can find experts, partners as well as testing and product development facilities to answer your needs. With our help you can reach local, regional, national and international actors and networks.
In Bioeconomy Campus are also the services of Saarijärvi veterinarian.

Company development
Saarijärvi Business services support you as a partner in all business phases: all the way from idea to investments and customer acquisition. With our business advisor you can come and talk any time about i.e. development of ideas and products.
BioBoosters by Jamk is bioeconomy business accelerator, boosting and supporting startups and corporations in joint business development, as well as creating globally significant solutions to the challenges of climate change. Read more in BioBoosters webpages!
Research and development
In Bioeconomy Campus, we have excellent facilities for research and development. We offer many kinds of services to test products and their functionality, and to assess water quality and environmental conditions.
More information about Jamk’s research, product development and innovation services.

Valtra Unlimited 10 Years event in spring 2023 at Bioeconomy Campus